Planned this long time ago, needed much time to finish it (due to business work) - but I like the result: My small, long-living blog is now a modern, mobile-first with self-made CSS-Grid Drupal 8 website :-) I've ignored the Microsoft fixes, so you need an updated, modern browser on the desktop to see the sidebar not below but aside the main content.
After the Windows 8 -> Windows 10 Upgrade the Debian testing UEFI Grub2 only showed it's rescue shell. On Debian, I use full disc encryption and have a seperate boot partition - here is how I fixed my Grub without using some LiveCD or Live USB:
On the Grub rescue shell, enter the following - in case you don't know which partition holds what, you can also try > ls (hd0,gpt7)/ [Enter] to get some content information. I knew that number 7 was my dedicated boot partition and number 8 the encrypted root file system.
Seems that the OSSEC HIDS packages (for Debian/Ubuntu at least) have somewhere an error in updating the Linux user rights. I had the error only in German and instead of trying to translate it 100% I cut most of the German words simply away:
If you're not the first time on my webpage, you'll notice that I've changed again the domain name of this place - now it's "". A short FAQ about this change:
Why? The last years the domain name / URL of my internet presence was "", that was surely ok (because it's my full name), but for me personally it was to long, too much characters to type. When last year the new domain endings showed up I thought that this is the right time to get a nice, suitable, short name - found this one.
Running a rdiff-backup, which somebody else configured, throw after the first run always one of these two errors:
Right after a update of Ubuntu Server I faced that rsyslog used 100% CPU and that /var/log/syslog got filled up with following line, which was repeated almost every second:
[rsyslog] imklog: error reading kernel log - shutting down: Bad file descriptor
The problem is, that rsyslog tries to log kernel messages, which is as OpenVZ/Proxmox Container default not possible - to fix this, remove/comment out following line in the file /etc/rsyslog.conf (here already done):
After I wrote the howto for Apache2 now a howto for lighttpd and PFS, where I couldn't use "apt-get build-dep lighttpd" because my installed MariaDB packages blocked some mysql-dev-lib packages. Tested on Debian 7 ECC keys and ECDH ciphers working. When you've already do some compiling and apt installing, it should be simple to follow:
1. Preperation - get source and needed tools
During I was changing all ssl keys because of the heartbleed bug I thought it is a good time to enable PFS on my Debian 7 und Ubuntu 12.04 LTS servers (ECC keys and ECDH ciphers). Here is a step by step howto, when its not your first time to install something from source it shouldn't be that hard:
1. Preperation - download source and needed tools
After I moved some OpenVZ-containers to a new server, the output of "df -h" and "du -sch /" was more different than I ever expected. I guess it was because of some old vzqota-files, because I used earlier existing VEID's.
The solution: Let the quotas get recalculated with following one-liner. Sorryly you've really to switch the OpenVZ-container for a short time offline:
# vzctl stop 199; vzquota drop 199; vzctl start 199
Replace the number "199" with the problematic VEID - now used&free diskspace should be displayed again correctly.
I'm using this since some time - at most for OpenTTD, but it should work the same way for almost every game or app data you want to keep in sync on your desktops&laptops.
Tested as always only on Linux, 2 easy lines in the terminal and you're done:
n@desktop:~$ mv .openttd ownCloud/my-openttd n@desktop:~$ ln -s ownCloud/my-openttd .openttd
Done on the first computer :-) On the second (and possible third, fourth, ...) please delete the directory if it exists and then repeat the second line of computer one: